Finding favorites
Finding favorites, places to go back to! Sustainable travel, yes, looking forward to it, staying home more and make that space even better. Then finding …
Finding favorites, places to go back to! Sustainable travel, yes, looking forward to it, staying home more and make that space even better. Then finding …
Our new family member, Marly! A week full of a lot expectations, emotions and less sleep than usual. Our new family member, Marly, just arrived …
Italiano, one of the favourites! Italian and greek food are without a doubt favourites with all its delicious, fresh and small goods. Love small plates …
Those days in-between that counts! Been having a lot of sunny days and almost forgot how it is during cloudy days but have to remember …
“If you delay everything until you feel safe, you will not get anything done” When doubting, watching or reading something inspiring or giving, can give …